Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Shampoo to Beat All Shampoos - 1234 Words
Mickel Angelo A. Martinez EN 11 R-49 On the 1st of July 2007, Unilever launched its new shampoo brand: Clear Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. It claims to rid the hair of men and women alike of all dandruff, and nourish the scalp at the same time. Once it was launched, there was immediately alot of buzz over the product. Maybe it was because the product contained Zinc Vitanol, an ingredient not used in any other anti-dandruff shampoo. Or maybe it was just because it was marketed well, having high-quality television commercials and the international pop star, Rain, as its endorser. But nevertheless, after a few months the brand became incredibly popular, having elite Filipino celebrities such as Piolo Pascual, Bea Alonzo, and John Lloyd Cruz in its†¦show more content†¦In addition, the commercial mentions that the group is composed of ten million people, which would be very appealing to consumers because if that much people are using the product, then it must be effective and good. A nd in the same commercial they have three elite Filipino celebrities to further persuade consumers into buying the product. This part would be similar to the first commercial with Rain, but more appealing to the Filipino market, basically because the endorsers in these commercials are Filipino celebrities. Another important factor seen in every Clear advertisement is the use of the color black. Their campaign has always emphasized that the color black meant freedom from dandruff. If you think about it, the color black for Clear can symbolize shiny black hair, or confidence; because wearing black is often avoided by those who suffer from dandruff. And this was creative; it makes the advertisements unique and eye-catching because they’re the only advertisements wherein the people, the background, and pretty much everything is colored black. Black is mysterious, classy, and elegant, and it makes it seem as though the Clear commercials were perfume commercials, which makes them unique. It makes consumers feel as though they’re buying a premium product, even though the product is actually just about 10 pesos more expensive than regular anti-dandruff shampoos. When we talkShow MoreRelatedRMS Test Question Paper1471 Words  | 6 Pageswill make an average of two additional purchases during the first year, purchasing an average of 1.6 cans per repeat transaction. How many cans of No Bite can the manufacturer expect to sell in Swampville during its first year on the market? 7. 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Before you get on a plane make sure you’ve packed these must-have travel accessories. 1. Vumos leak proof travel bottles These bottles are perfect for storing your shampoo, conditioner and lotion. They’re transparent and fit in with the TSA guidelines. They also come in a clear bag to make your life easier at the airport. (-- removed HTML --) 2. Wildhorn Outfitters Microlite Quick Dry Travel Towel If you need a
Monday, December 23, 2019
A Short Note On Risk Management Project Management
Risk in project management is the probability that project occasions won’t happen as organized or that unconstrained events will happen that will adversely influence the project. Risk management is not completely wiping out risks, however, it offers the most obvious opportunity to effectively achieve your project goals, irrespective of the instabilities of an evolving situation. In order to recognize the risks incorporated into project management I analyzed a number of research articles and industry white papers appropriated over the span of recent years. In this report I focus on the subject â€Å"Risks in Project Management†. In exhibiting the avocation on risks in project management I address several related issues. Firstly, I briefly†¦show more content†¦A risk variable is a circumstance that may offer ascent to one or more project risks. A risk variable itself doesn t make you miss an item, timetable, or asset target. In any case, it builds the odds that something may happen that will make you miss one. Utilize your project stages and also your general project plan to help you distinguish risk elements (Wiley, 2016). To oversee projects successfully as a Project Manager, you should have the capacity to perceive and oversee risk. In any case, project risk is more prominent in the following ways: ïÆ'Ëœ The longer your project lingers ïÆ'Ëœ The longer the time is between setting up your project plan and beginning the work ïÆ'Ëœ The longer the time is between setting up your project plan and beginning the work ïÆ'Ëœ The less experience you, your associates, or your colleagues have with comparable projects ïÆ'Ëœ The fresher your project s innovation is Anything that can bring about the project manager missing the deadline for a project is viewed or referred to as a risk. DIFFERENT TYPES OF RISKS THAT A PROJECT MANAGER HAS TO CONTEND WITH As a project manager it is good to know what sort of risks exist so you can plan ahead. You need to know how to converse with other project colleagues about risks and even settle on choices about which risks you will attempt to oversee.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Organizational Diagnosis Free Essays
string(40) " needs to be solved \(Cawsey, Deszca p\." Organizational Diagnosis Are companies at the competitive edge problem free? Do any organizations work flawlessly? Not in the real world. How do the winners overcome their problems? What distinguishes them from other companies? How do they survive while others flounder or fall? Like other organizations, winning companies often reach for easy-answers and quick fixes. But if these short-cut responses miss their mark, winners keep searching for solid solutions. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Diagnosis or any similar topic only for you Order Now They delve more deeply into the situation, ultimately uncovering the root cause. Top performers distinguish themselves by the way they tackle organizational problems by using organizational diagnosis to make positive changes for the future of their business (Long Term Success through Deep Organizational Diagnosis, 2007). Data collection: The purpose of a diagnosis is to identify problems facing the organization and to determine their causes so that management can plan solutions. The first step in diagnosing an organization is to determine what/where the problem is by using data collection. It is very important to acknowledge that there is a problem and it needs solving more on a long term basis in order to keep the future of the organization prospering. The collection of data should begin in areas in which management believes the problems exist. After the data is collected, leaders can more easily identify where the issues lie and begin to resolve them (Beer and Spector, 1993). Data collection can be done by doing a systematic analysis where McKinsey’s 7-S framework can be applied. The change agent at this point strategically analyzes and formulates diagnosis questions. The elements of the strategy are as follows with examples of typical questions that decision makers will need to answer in their quest for change (Business Diagnostic Questions – â€Å"Seven S†Model Framework, 2007). Strategy: the plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage over the competition. †¢What are the main strategies in moving this organization to being more successful? †¢What are the key short-term goals to achieve these strategies? Structure: the way the organization is structured and who reports to whom. †¢Describe the roles of the main departments. What kinds of role/turf issues occur between departments? †¢What kinds of communications issues occur between departments? †¢What key things are done in the organization to help integrate various functions and departments that are interdependent? †¢How does the structure help/hinder this organization in accomplishing its strategy? What is being done about this now? Syst ems: the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in to get the job done. †¢What are the 5 most important system problems that if solved or improved would significantly improve profitability or organizational effectiveness? Why? What are you doing about these issues now? Style: the style of leadership adopted. †¢How are important decisions made in this organization? †¢How does top management communicate with key staff? How does it communicate with the labor force? †¢What are the key expectations for how your key people and labor force should behave? †¢How would you describe the organization’s style of management? How would others differ in their assessment of that style? Skills: the actual skills and competencies of the employees working for the company. †¢What key knowledge and skills are needed to succeed in this business/organization? Why? How is that expected to change over time? †¢How would you assess the organizationâ €™s current strengths and weaknesses against the needed knowledge and skills? †¢What challenges does the organization face in strengthening or maintaining this match between knowledge and skills needed now and in the future? †¢What is the organization doing about these issues now? Staff: the employees and their general capabilities †¢Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s key people. †¢Describe their most important roles in the organization. †¢Who of these are most important to the success of the business/organization? Why? †¢What are you most concerned about regarding the quality of the key staff? Why? †¢Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s labor force. †¢What are you most concerned about regarding the quality of the organization’s labor force? †¢What is being done about this now? Shared Values: called â€Å"superordinate goals†when the model was first developed, these are the core values of the company that are evidenced in the corporate culture and the general work ethic. †¢If the business/organization were operating almost perfectly, describe the key things that would be happening? If I were invisible and walked through the organization, what would I see that contributed to this success? †¢If I were invisible and could sit in on a number of conversations between the top 10 people and their staff, what themes would I hear? †¢If this organization were wildly successful, where would it be in 10 years? †¢If you wer e thinking of selling this successful business/organization, how would you want to be able to describe it to prospective buyers? †¢How would you describe the mission of this company to your prospective buyers Organization’s readiness for change: Once management admits that there are problems that need to be resolved, and then comes the question of whether the organization is ready to change. Organizational readiness is a state of preparedness which includes the psychological and behavioral aspects for change. This requires having the necessary knowledge, skills, resources, and support. An organization’s readiness for change will determine its ability to attend to environmental signals for change as well as its willingness to listen to internal voices saying that change is needed (Cawsey, Deszca p. 101). It is important for senior management to address the likelihood of change and communicate it effectively with the rest of the organization. Employees are more apt to support change if they are ready to make changes. This means they believe in the changes, have the time and energy to invest in the changes, and the organization is ready to support the changes. More important, the greater the complexity of the implementation task, the great the importance or organizational readiness for change. Creating awareness for change: Change leaders can create awareness of the need for change in several ways. The first method involves making the organization aware that it is in or near a crisis or creating a crisis that needs to be solved (Cawsey, Deszca p. You read "Organizational Diagnosis" in category "Papers" 104). Most people will welcome the change more easily if they know that their future is in jeopardy if they don’t accept the change. A second approach to enhancing the need for change is by identifying a transformational vision. Transformational visions tap into our needs to go beyond ourselves, to make a contribution, to do something worthwhile and meaningful, and to serve a greater good (Cawsey, Deszca p. 105). This type of awareness mechanism has the potential to gain positive feedback and negative feedback. People who support it are those individuals who are interested in making things better than they are. The people who oppose it simply don’t find it realistic and believe the change agent is proposing the change for their own benefit. A third approach to the enhancement of the need for change is through transformational leadership. This type of change makes the most sense to people because it is the leaders of the organization who makes all the decisions. If something is not going well, the leaders are the first to blame. It is important to note that when using any of the three approaches, the change agent needs to be well prepared when entering any type of discussion dialogue about the change. The people in the organization need to trust the change agent and believe in the proposed change therefore, the change agent should have all the right skills to get their point across to the people involved. Vision for change: When the organization is ready to make a change, it is very important for the change agent to provide a clear and detailed vision of the change. Vision is about action. Vision can empower both leaders and followers to implement change (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008). Change leaders use change visions to create and advance the mental picture they have of the future and to provide directional guidance for others that they need to enlist in the enterprise (Cawsey, Deszca p. 110). Vision can provide both a corporate sense of being and a sense of enduring purpose. Without a sensible vision, change efforts can dissolve into a list of confusing projects that take the organization in the wrong direction. It is important that the vision be easy to communicate. Once an effective change vision is in place, the change agent can begin to expand discussions to a broader audience or organizational members, paying careful attention to their reactions, suggestions, and alternatives (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008). It is also vital for the change agent to be aware that some people in the organization will understand the vision and want to help transform the organization, but they can’t. The change agent must remove blocks to change, call for new behaviors consistent with the vision, and most importantly, visibly reward the new behaviors (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008). Approval for change: Once the vision for change is in place, the change agent needs to find the best way of winning the approval for the change project. When outlining all the elements of the change project, the change agent needs to pay careful attention to managing scope. Allowing the project’s scope to change mid-course usually means added costs, greater risks and longer duration. Many projects fail due to poor scope management (Scope and Change Control, 2005). A successful change agent understands that rigorous scope control is essential to deliver projects on time and on budget. The scope of the project should be clearly defined both in terms of its deliverables and in terms of how it will operate. This scope definition will form the baseline against which potential changes are assessed and against which the project’s performance is measured. In the definition, the change agent should also include factors that could lead to scope change. If possible risks exist; they should be identified in the definition because this will make the decision-makers more likely to allow changes if it became necessary and it will save costs in the long run (Scope and Change Control, 2005). Feedback: The final step for the change agent is to be open to continuous feedback. Change does not come easily to everyone in the organization. The change agent needs to be aware of all the criticism and concerns of the people involved in the change in order to keep people motivated and keep the business running in a positive matter. Employee involvement is a necessary and integral part of managing change. Managing change is not a one way street. Feedback from employees is a key element of the change management process. Analysis and corrective action based on this feedback provides a robust cycle for implementing change (Change Management, 2006). Feedback also allows the change agent to stand back from the entire program, evaluate successes and failures, and identify process changes for the next project. Conclusion: An organizational diagnosis can be a valuable and revealing process, if properly approached, and if an organization is willing to take full advantage of it. Ultimately, what you’re trying to accomplish with an organizational diagnosis is a performance check on each of all the moving pieces (Grossman, 2009). During this check, for instance, you will want to examine those pieces that serve to help create the culture of the business and help drive things forward. Therefore, the key thing with organizational diagnosis is to help utilize a change effort that will benefit the health of the company as a whole and help it maintain its competitive advantage. The overall goal of an organizational diagnosis is to apply what should be happening within the organization, so that the effect is improved business performance overall. References: Beer, M. Spector, B. (1993, July/August). Organizational diagnosis: its role in organizational learning. Journal of Counseling and Development. 71(6) 642-650. Retrieved from the City University Student Website. Cawsey, T. , Deszca, G. (2007). Toolkit for organizational change. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Grossman, David. (2009). The Genesis of an Organizational Diagnosis: It’s All about Improving Performance. Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from: http://www. hrtools. com/insights/david_grossman/the_genesis_of_an_organizational_diagnosis_its_all_about_imp roving_performance. aspx Business Diagnostic Questions. (2007). Seven S Model Framwork. Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from: http://www. change-management. net/7smodel. htm Change management – The systems and tools for managing change. 2006). Retrieved on February 20,2010 from: http://www. change-management. com/tutorial-change-process-detailed. htm Long Term Success through Deep Organizational Diagnosis (2007). Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from: http://www. hrconsultant. com/aw/aw_ter_long_term_success. html#top Scope Change Control (2005). Retrieved on February 18, 2010 from: http://www. epmbook. com/scope. htm Vision and the Management of Change. (2008). Retrieved on February 18, 2010 from: http://www. au. af. mil/au/awc/awcgate/ndu/strat-ldr-dm/pt4ch19. html How to cite Organizational Diagnosis, Papers Organizational Diagnosis Free Essays Organizational diagnosis is the process of analyzing a company, recognizing what problems the company may have, what strengths the company exhibits, the employees receptiveness to change and how to restructure and implement change to correct any problems. This is done to keep the company from losing money, possibly going under and also to keep the company competitive in a highly competitive marketplace. The process of an organizational diagnosis is generally performed in a few stages. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Diagnosis or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, the parent company employees a group of external consultants and researchers to visit the company. The researchers will usually begin their work with a reconnaissance stage. The consultants will spend some time at the organization getting to know the workers and gaining an initial impression of the company and how it operates. This is done by simply spending time talking with employees, observing day to day behavior and speaking with management. Following the initial research, the consultants will meet with the organizational clients to develop a written plan of expectations and goals that the organization is wishing to achieve. Generally, companies will hire the consulting firms because they have a problem or series of problems that they need to correct and are unsure of the best way to implement the change successfully. Consultants are a group of skilled workers that are highly educated in management, human psychology, sociology and organizational behavior. Sometimes it is best to hire a non- biased group of consultants that can observe the company from an external perspective in order to find the best course of action to resolve the problems at hand. Once the client and consultants have agreed upon a plan of action, the consultants will begin a more in-depth research stage. During this time, consultants will meet with important members of the organization to examine their feelings on change and their perspectives on the consulting project, as well as the proposed change. Consultants may also unobtrusively observe day-to-day tasks among workers and evaluate their communication skills, as well as their interactions. This will help the researchers develop an understanding of the companies interpersonal and power relations. The conducting of surveys and questionnaires is also a means of gathering information from workers on their stances and viewpoints of the corporation and their thoughts on purposing a change. Researchers will begin a thorough examination of important documents pertaining to the company. These documents can help researchers analyze the organizations strengths and weaknesses, as well as goals and company history. During the examination and researching process, consultants will quickly learn how important members of the organization are willing to accept and enforce a change. If members of the organization are unwilling to enforce and follow through with change, the consultants will need to restructure their goals and means of achieving these. This prevents setting goals that are unattainable. If an organization is going to resist change, there is no need to spend the time to develop a plan to correct problems. This realization of the companies inability to accept and implement change will result in a separate set of issues that will need to be corrected. Generally, these types of resistance to change are going to be resolved by a change in personnel and the working staff. This process is designed to prevent setting a plan of attack that will fail, causing the organization to become frustrated when the change is not working, thus setting them further into a hole that they need to dig their way out of. Once the consultants have spent an adequate amount of time learning about the company and brainstorming ways to successfully implement change, they will develop specific methods of change implementation designed specifically for this particular organization’s culture. These can include specialized training programs, team building projects, job task re-designation, supervisory structure change, changing reward systems and goal achievement programs; just to name a few. Upon meeting with the company to present their final planned list of changes, as well as the implementation plans, the consultants will observe the company for a few weeks as they begin the process of correcting their issues. The consultants will be on hand to answer any questions that the company may have, as well as assist in solving any problems or roadblocks that the clients may run into. During this time, the researchers are basically a technical support hotline for the customer. They will be on site to help in any way possible. After a short trial period of change implementation, the customer and the consultants will form a meeting to analyze the effectiveness of the changes that are being carried out. This is a time that is used to fine-tune any processes or bring new ideas to the table to further improve on the companies reformation campaign. Following a predetermined length of time, as well as confidentiality in the companies ability to further carry out the scope of the change campaign, the consultants will vacate the premises. The consultants are available to call and discuss problems and/or ideas to continually improve upon the preconceived plan. In the months and years following the campaign, the company will further evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that were put in place. The company will either decide that the change process was a success, or they will decide that it needs further work. At this time, it may be in the companies best interest to hire a different consultation firm in order to correct the companies problems. It may be possible that the company will come to realize that there are other problems at play in the corporation that need to be analyzed and corrected. All of the sources that I have examined and researched, tend to follow the same ideals when it comes to organizational diagnosis and cultural evaluation. A few sources will change the names of the stages, but in effect, they are the exact same processes. Organizational diagnosis is a lot like troubleshooting a problem with any mechanical system. One must recognize the problem, find the source/s of the problem and develop a plan to correct or repair the problem. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with people, instead of mechanical objects, there are a lot more variables as well as unforeseeable pitfalls. In order to combat the instability of a dynamic corporation, executives, managers and even hourly employees must remain dynamic and receptive to a continually changing atmosphere. A company that tends to stay closed-minded and unreceptive to improvement is generally a short-lived company that will quickly be outdone by a continually changing marketplace. The global marketplace is a highly dynamic and competitive arena. In order for one to stay on top, you must be willing to continually one-up your competitors. How to cite Organizational Diagnosis, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Pros and Cons of Television free essay sample
?Watching television has many pros, such as entertainment and laughter, information on current events, how to guides, and alerts; but along with the pros, there are some very serious and dangerous cons. Television shows, including commercials, have a propensity to show their creative works on us and show us their ideas and opinions; which isnt favorable on us because it can lead to a decline in our own imagination and creativity and make it so we cannot think on our own since creation is readily available on television for us to see. Watching too much television causes health problems. Watching television causes inactivity, and inactivity has been connected to obesity and heart disease. Watching too much TV can increase the likelihood of developing conditions such as cardiovascular disease. When the body remains inactive in a position the heart and lungs work less to pump enough blood through the system and prolonged periods of inactivity weaken the heart. We will write a custom essay sample on Pros and Cons of Television or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Watching too much TV also exposes individuals to a world in which perfection is valued above all else. Unrealistic standards can be established and nurtured by television, and without a break into the real world, self-esteem, particularly that of children, can be severely damaged. One of the most harmful effects of watching television is that television appears to us to portray or report reality. In actuality, however, it just allows us to get a small glimpse of what’s really going on. This particularly happens when watching TV newscasts. When we watch a 30 minutes newscast, we usually believe that what it is showing us is all that there is to see. Unfortunately most people accept whatever television is feeding them without ever casting a doubt on its truthfulness. Another amazingly harmful effect of watching television is the fact it can hinder our ability to think. Certainly there are a few programs on TV that are educational and interesting, but the majority of television programs are simply trash. We rarely find a program on TV that requires us to think. Television programming is designed in such a way so as to match our attention spam, and that is why almost all programs are 30 to 60 minutes long. We can easily form opinions without letting the information to be first go through and sink into our mind, and while we think that we become more knowledgeable, in reality we become dumb. Watching too much television wastes your time. Life is short but we choose to spend it watching television. Just think of how many hours of our day we waste watching television. Instead of living our life to the fullest, we sit in front of a dead though â€Å"entertaining†device, which we have chosen as a substitute for true living. For instance, instead of going out to play football, we are so obsessed in watching football games and admiring our favorite sport players as if they are some kind of heroes. Instead of going out to meet people, converse and have fun, we choose to enclose ourselves within four walls and be all alone so as to watch with full attention adventure movies, reality shows, and soap operas. But is this really living? No, its not. A time will come when your bodily energies will be dissipated and you will come to realize that you have not yet lived.
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