Friday, May 31, 2019
Willy Loman, Jay Gatsby, and the Pursuit of the American Dream Essays
Willy Loman, Jay Gatsby, and the Pursuit of the American Dream Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, and Arthur Miller, author of Death of a Salesman, both tell the stories of custody in the costly pursuit of the American dream. As a result of several conflicts, both external and internal, both characters experience an extinction of the one issue that they have set their sights on.... The American Dream.Jay Gatsby, a mysterious, young and very wealthy man, fatally chases an impossible dream. Gatsby attempts to rekindle an old relationship and has confidence in repetition the past. Gatsby claims that he is going to fix every(prenominal)thing just the way it was before (Fitzgerald 117). In a a conversation with Nick, Gatsby discusses how the past can be repeated and how he wants the relationship that he once had with Daisy (Fitzgerald 116). Secondly, Gatsby attempts to exemplify his wealth through fancy cars and stylish clothing. Gatsb y shows his clothing to Daisy and informs her that he has a man in England who buys his clothes every season (Fitzgerald 97). Illustrating his wealth, Gatsby drives a Rolls Royce that was a rich cream color, bright with nickel (Fitzgerald 68). Although Gatsbys foolish quest of the American dream exemplifies a respectable aspiration, it ends in a tragic death that goes virtually unnoticed. A sharp contrast to the parties , the funeral was sparingly attended and nobody came (Fitzgerald 182). Following the ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Personal Essay - I Welcome the Challenge -- Personal Narrative, essay
I have learned a great many things from playing soccer. It has changed my entire observation post on and attitude toward life. Before my freshman year at Cool high school, I was shy, had low self-esteem and turned away from seemingly out(predicate) challenges. Soccer has altered all of these qualities. On the first day of freshman practice, the team warmed up with a coarse-grained of soccer. The players were split up and the game began. However, during the game, I noticed that I didnt t run as hard as I could, nor did I try to evade my defender and get open. The fact of the matter is that I really did not want to receive the ball. I didnt t want to be the one at fault if the play didnt t succeed. I did not want the responsibility of helping the team because I was too afraid of making a mistake. That aspect...
Cadbury Schweppes Strategic Dilemma of Trebor Bassett Essay -- Value
Cadbury Schweppes Strategic Dilemma of Trebor BassettCadbury Schweppes is a UK-based beverage and confectionary classify founded in 1969 with the merger of two English groups (Cadbury and Schweppes). This family-managed group grew and flourished through the days. It became an internationalistic major player in the late 80s and was admired by its peers for such an ascent. In 1990 the group bought two little entities from the same clientele and merged them into a single unit Trebor Bassett. The CEO of this unit soon became the CEO of the group (1993) and he then realized that the success of the past years was seriously in danger and that a real turn needed to be taken. John Sunderland (CSCEO) and John Stake (Human Resources Director) decided to spend time attempt to understand the problem and finding the adapted solutions.Let us see how to change from a budget-driven strategy to a sustainable value-driven strategy.The following pages will travail to show how the precedent succes s was in fact a satisfactory underperformance of CS, then how a real change in the way of seeing the caper helped to recover and finally what became the challenge in 1999. I. Cadbury Schweppes in 1996 a satisfactory underperformance1. An admired companyCadbury Schweppes, born after the merger of two major companies in 1969, was an admired company in 1996. Indeed thanks to Sir Dominic Cadburys governance from 1983 to 1996, based on an international development and several strategic acquisitions, the company had force a truly global player the financial company turnover increased by 30% between 1990 and 1996, the operating profit by gross%. This performance was underlined by the Most Admired UK Company Prize, awarded by the representatives of Britains top 250 publicly traded companies and 10 leading investment dealer companies.In 1996, Cadbury Schweppes garner activities in two major fields, both consumer-oriented confectionary and beverages. The beverages branch was highly com petitive, all the more so as few giant players operated on the market. Cadbury Schweppes owned international bottling and partnership operations and sold products in 149 countries. The company, divided into five divisions in 1996, had a varied product portfolio, based on international brands such as Schweppes or Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, acquired by the group in 1995. As for the ... ...over deliver (= Game playing)- The Group was too far away from the BU and markets to treasure the complex strategy issues- Strategy of achieving market volume and exploiting scale economy in order to protect short-term revenuesGrow bigger through mantrap volume increases price discounts in an attempt to protect volumes irrational brand and packaging size proliferation with no real marketing strategy (and risk of cannibalisation)- No Piloting tools (managers comments A lot of data, not a lot of good facts)Opportunities Threats- Fragmentation of the market- Long term potential of the sugar confectio nary business - bring sweets market was stagnant- Low end market private labels had already captured 20,000 tons owing to the strength of British major retailers- New competition entrance the market in its most profitable niches- Raw material prices shooting up- Price competitionEXHIBIT 2 COMPETING ENVIRONMENT OF THE BRITISH scraping CONFECTIONARY MARKETThe five forces model of Porter allows a better analysis of the attractiveness and value of the British sugar confectionary market in the 1990s
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Analyse the case study with reference to Michael Porter’s Theory :: Business and Management Studies
Analyse the episode study with national to Michael hall porters Theory of Competitive reinforcement and answer the following question Does America have competitive advantage in the textile and crop industry?Analyse the case study with reference to Michael Porters Theory ofCompetitive Advantage and answer the following questionDoes America have competitive advantage in the textile and garmentindustry?You answer must include the following elements1. A clear outline of Porters theory with supporting references. 20%2. An analysis of the case study with reference to the 4 main elements of Porters Diamond. (N.B. You will not be able to comment on company structure, as the case study does not include information on this. You should, however, refer to factor conditions, demand conditions, firm rivalry and related and supporting industries.) 40%3. An analysis of the case study with reference to Porters secondary points of chance and government actions. 20%4. Your concl usion. 10 %The remaining 10 % will be for grammar, style, clarity, using the crystalize system of referencing (the Harvard System) etc.LiteratureMichael E. Porter. The Competitive Advantage of Nations.Does America have competitive advantage in the textile and garmentindustry?For a surface area to have a competitive advantage, it is necessary tounderstand Michael Porters Theory of National Competitive Advantage.Michael Porter introduced a model that allows analysing why any(prenominal)nations are more competitive than others are, and why some industrieswithin nations are more competitive than others are, in his book TheCompetitive Advantage of Nations. This model of find out factors ofnational advantage has become known as Porters Diamond. It suggeststhat the national home base of an organization plays an important rolein shaping the extent to which it is believably to achieve advantage on aglobal scale. This home base provides basic factors, which support orhinder organizatio ns from building advantages in global competition.Porter distinguishes four determinantsFactor ConditionsThe situation in a coarse regarding production factors, likeskilled labour, infrastructure, etc., which are relevant forcompetition in particular industries.These factors nates be grouped into human resources (qualificationlevel, cost of labour, commitment etc.), material resources (naturalresources, vegetation, space etc.), knowledge resources, capitalresources, and infrastructure. They also include factors like qualityof research on universities, deregulation of labor markets, orliquidity of national stock markets.These national factors often provide initial advantages, which aresubsequently built upon. Each country has its own particular set offactor conditions hence, in each country will develop thoseindustries for which the particular set of factor conditions is
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Alexander Graham Bell Essay -- essays research papers
black lovage whole meal flour Bell, a man who best hit the hayn for inventing the telephone. Most pot dont know he spent the majority of his life teaching and helping the deaf. Educating the try step forward impaired is what he wished to be remembered for. Bell was born(p) on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His mother was a painter of miniature portraits and also loved to play the piano even though she was nearly deaf. Alecks mother knew that he had a talent for music and always encouraged him to play (Matthews 12). black lovage Melville Bell, his father, was a Professor of Elocution, Art of public speaking (Bruce 16). imputable to the fact that his father was a very knowledgeable man and a professor, Aleck obtained most of his education from his father and soon followed in his footsteps. Aleck had only two siblings, Melville pack Bell, Melly, and Edward Charles Bell, Ted (Schuman 127).Alecks father took a trip over seas in 1868 to see if Americans would take to his n ew ideas of speech. Alexander Melville Bell was so impressed that he resolved to move the entire family. They did not purchase an estate in the United States. However they did buy an estate in Brantford, Ontario, Canada where there were an abundance of Scottish immigrants. Alexander Melville Bell still continued to make trips to Boston to lecture on visible speech (Schuman 39). Alecks father was offered a teaching position at the Boston School for the Deaf. He did not take the job but suggested that Aleck take the position instead. Alexander Graham Bell took the teaching position in April of 1871, and was on his way to the Boston School for the Deaf (Schuman 39). Alexander Graham Bells, number one passion in life was helping the hearing impaired. Children learn to talk by hearing other people talk, and then they learn to speak by unconscious imitation. Deaf children do not subscribe to this option they cannot imitate anything and therefore have to be taught by other means. Aleck t hought that to teach a deaf child to speak consisted of having the child know how to make the sound by using different positions of their mouth. Slowly combining the sounds would make words and again would result in speech. Aleck tried a legion(predicate) number of methods. The method of Visible Speech was one of the ways that Aleck was able to teach his stude... ...lliant man and has changed the lives of many people around the world with or with out hearing impairment. His method of Visual Speech was great because it got the student to know how to use the organs in their mouths and be able to talk. To think that the telephone was in the beginning going to be used as a device to help the hearing impaired is surprising because it ended up being used as a devise that people around the would use everyday to commutate. Alexander Graham Bell affected the world more directly by the concept of the telephone, but this could not compare to the gift of speech that he was able to offer to his students. Bell, Alexander Graham. The Mechanism of Speech. New York Funk & WagnallsCompany, 1908.Bruce, Robert V. Bell Alexander Graham Bell and the conquest of solitude. Boston Little, Brown and Company, 1973.Matthews, Tom L. Always Inventing a Photo biography of Alexander Graham Bell. Washington D.C. National Geographic Society, 1999.Mackenzie, Catherine. Alexander Graham Bell The Man Who Contracted Space. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company, 1928.Schuman, Michael A. Alexander Graham Bell Inventor and Teacher. New JerseyEnslow Publishers, 1999.
Alexander Graham Bell Essay -- essays research papers
Alexander Graham Bell, a man who best gon for inventing the telephone. Most mountain dont know he spent the majority of his life teaching and helping the deaf. Educating the hearing impaired is what he wished to be remembered for. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His mother was a painter of miniature portraits and also loved to play the piano even though she was nearly deaf. Alecks mother knew that he had a talent for music and always encouraged him to play (Matthews 12). Alexander Melville Bell, his father, was a Professor of Elocution, Art of public speaking (Bruce 16). Due to the fact that his father was a very knowledgeable man and a professor, Aleck obtained most of his education from his father and soon followed in his footsteps. Aleck had only two siblings, Melville James Bell, Melly, and Edward Charles Bell, Ted (Schuman 127).Alecks father took a trip over seas in 1868 to see if Americans would take to his new ideas of speech. Alexander Melville Bell was so impressed that he decided to move the entire family. They did non purchase an estate in the United States. However they did buy an estate in Brantford, Ontario, Canada where there were an abundance of Scottish immigrants. Alexander Melville Bell still continue to make trips to capital of Massachusetts to lecture on visible speech (Schuman 39). Alecks father was offered a teaching position at the capital of Massachusetts School for the Deaf. He did not take the job but suggested that Aleck take the position instead. Alexander Graham Bell took the teaching position in April of 1871, and was on his way to the Boston School for the Deaf (Schuman 39). Alexander Graham Bells, number one passion in life was helping the hearing impaired. Children learn to talk by hearing other people talk, and then they learn to speak by unconscious imitation. Deaf children do not have this option they cannot imitate anything and therefrom have to be taught by other means. Aleck thought that to te ach a deaf child to speak consisted of having the child know how to make the sound by using different positions of their mouth. Slowly combining the sounds would make words and again would result in speech. Aleck tried a numerous number of methods. The method of megascopic Speech was one of the ways that Aleck was able to teach his stude... ...lliant man and has changed the lives of many people around the world with or with out hearing impairment. His method of optic Speech was great because it got the student to know how to use the organs in their mouths and be able to talk. To think that the telephone was originally going to be utilize as a device to help the hearing impaired is surprising because it ended up being used as a devise that people around the would use everyday to commutate. Alexander Graham Bell affected the world more directly by the invention of the telephone, but this could not canvass to the gift of speech that he was able to offer to his students. Bell, Alex ander Graham. The Mechanism of Speech. New York Funk & WagnallsCompany, 1908.Bruce, Robert V. Bell Alexander Graham Bell and the conquest of solitude. Boston Little, Brown and Company, 1973.Matthews, Tom L. Always Inventing a Photo biography of Alexander Graham Bell. Washington D.C. National Geographic Society, 1999.Mackenzie, Catherine. Alexander Graham Bell The human race Who Contracted Space. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company, 1928.Schuman, Michael A. Alexander Graham Bell Inventor and Teacher. New JerseyEnslow Publishers, 1999.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Process Safety Management in the Oil and Gas Industry
AbstractThis paper entrusts a discussion of adjoin safety guidance applied to the orbiculate embrocate and fellate industry. The splendor of maintaining fixing risk estimates and milieual contact assessments has been indicated upon the completion of this research. The focus of the study is on integrating different management tools, much(prenominal) as EIA and HSE-MS, to evaluate the potential risks pertaining to ontogeny projects in the fossil oil and liquid industry. In addition, the report explores specific lessons learned from the defence industry, indicating that HSE management systems whitethorn be effectively applied to the oil and shove off industry as well.IntroductionThe occurrence of various incidents and hazards occurring in the oil and foul up industry is quite frequent, thereby necessitating the adoption of effective and reliable measures to subside such risks (Ovind and Sneve, 2004). It has been argued that Health, Safety and Environment Management Sys tems (HSE-MS) have a optimistic impact on the functioning of orbiculate oil and boast companies considering the high take aim of accuracy of assessments provided by this management tool (Bergh et al., 2014). The objective of the present report is to explore the feasibility of influence safety management in the oil and gun for hire industry.Process Safety Management in the Oil and Gas IndustrySignificant aspects can be learned in improving tender-hearted factors in the oil and float industry from industries, such as aviation, atomic power and defence. However, the oil and muff industry constitutes specific challenges that can make it difficult to restrain design process and standards that have led to positive results in other industries (Ramirez et al., 2013). The suppuration of various processes and standards has tie upd to meet the needs appear in the global oil and gas industry. Scientific research extensively foc routines on the psychology of how irrationality and cognitive biases may lead to inadequate risk assessment and improper decision-making processes. Thus, the requisite to create practical and simple solutions is urgent than ever (Bergh et al., 2014).The introduction of Health, Safety and Environment Management Systems (HSE-MS) is of the essence(p) part of this process. Basic elements of HSE-MS include commitment to clutch leadership practices, setting of clear goals and objectives, and undertaking strict risk evaluation and control procedures (Ash, 2010). When organisations in the oil and gas industry adhere to these aspects of their overall management, positive results can be expected in the long term. Communication among all divisions of organisations should be ensured in order to meet the expectations of all stakeholders in the industry. Management should provide commitment and personal involvement in health, safety and the environment as a whole (Zimolong and Elke, 2006). A proper expectation that could be indicated relates t o setting a personal example of following major HSE rules. The decisions that could be made should consider aspects of quality, cost, morale, and production.In the process of introducing HSE principles in the oil and gas industry, it should be pointed out that storage allocation of resources should be done effectively in an attempt to carry out some of the most important functions of HSE. The study of local HSE policies should be in eminence with corporate objectives and standard as relating to the oil and gas industry (Ramirez et al., 2013). Setting objectives for continuous improvement should be the focal point of introducing such policies. All levels of management should be involved in similar processes to achieve optimal efficiency and productivity. In addition, certain objectives should be developed to mitigate risk within organisations in operation(p) in the oil and gas industry. The stage of risk evaluation and management should be consistently introduced in oil and gas c ompanies in order to adhere to major HSE management guide situations that may contribute to decreasing the risk of incidents in this industry (Zimolong and Elke, 2006). This step is associated with the establishment of a proper methodology that outlines acute and degenerative hazards including their perceived effects. Moreover, it is important to conduct flexible hazard assessments at the design, development and direct stages. The application of risk management tools may significantly facilitate the process of achieving of the set policy objectives.It has been set that an effective legislative programme requires three essential dimensions powerful and well-resources regulations, setting accountability parameters to drive appropriate behaviours in the industry, and ensuring upstanding industry support (Berg et al., 2014). The globalisation of HSE issues for the oil and gas industry should be explored in order to demonstrate a process of setting high standards of writ of executio n in the field. In 2011, the European Commission passingd a series of legislative proposals to guarantee seaward safety (Ramirez et al., 2013). The focus on preserving the natural environment has been the right way maintained. HSE policies argon expected to cover oil spill and emergency response preparedness, quality assurance and management systems. The utmost goal of similar initiatives is to ensure a healthy and safe environment for employees in oil and gas companies as well as for residents of different countries (Ash, 2010).The conduct of grouchy operations from the oil and gas industry should be done with the consideration of strict professional standards for safety. In fact, the safety of employees should be taken into consideration as well as the environment and economic values. In general, oil and gas companies are committed to developing of proper systems for monitoring of their technical facilities and plants. The occurrence of various incidents in the industry, such a s the Macondo incident, the US Department of the Interior undertook drastic measures in 2011 to mitigate risks in this sector (Haight, 2013). Two bran-new agencies were created to monitor a series of operations and activities in the Gulf of Mexico, as these are the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and the Bureau of Offshore Energy Management (BOEM). In addition, the Department was responsible for issuing new and more effective regulations to address the specific exercises and functioning of these two agencies (Bergh et al., 2014). Product specifications along with emission controls and climate diverseness programmes have contributed to the development of proper and extremely effective HSE systems. It can be suggested that these aspects can have a significant impact on the production and profitability of different products introduced by oil and gas companies.Moreover, there are certain environmental laws that require organisations that operate in this industr y to restore all areas in which particular incidents or unauthorised release of various hazardous materials have taken place. It can be anticipated that HSE laws and regulations can have a rather positive impact on the operations of oil and gas companies (Zimolong and Elke, 2006). However, it may be challenging to indicate what would be the potential future effects of certain legislations adopted in the context of the global oil and gas industry. There may be risks associated with HSE costs and liabilities, which may be intelligible in the activities of global oil and gas companies. Thus, such organisations descry the importance of implementing solid HSE standards and management tools to facilitate the accomplishment of certain outcomes (Ash, 2010). unmatchable of the legislative frameworks that provide substantial information on applying HSE standards in the oil and gas industry is the IADC HSE Case Guidelines. These guidelines provide a framework for developing an integrate heal th, safety and environmental management system for use in reducing the risks associated with offshore and onshore drilling activities (International Association of Drilling Contractors, 2014). The significant of the guidelines reflects in the adoption of high standards that can help in change magnitude global health, safety and environmental awareness in semblance to the oil and gas industry. The worldwide acceptance of the guidelines in countries such as Australia, Canada, South Africa and Cuba implies their universal applicability to solve emerging challenges in the respective industry (Ash, 2010). The need to assist regulatory authorities around the world may contribute to the delivery of standards and principles that are closely tailor-made to correspond to the needs of oil and gas companies. Emphasis is put on reassuring that the most proper industry practices have been implemented in price of health, safety and environmental concerns.Lessons from the Nuclear Power of the D efence IndustryThus, the focus can be shifted to learning important lessons from the nuclear power of the defence industry. One of the crucial lessons learned so far is that of interaction considering that different legislations by dint ofout the world may demonstrate the adoption of similar approaches to mitigate risks in the oil and gas industry (Bergh et al., 2014). Interaction emerging at all stages of the assessments is important to make sure that all needs of the stakeholders in the industry are met. other lesson that can be learned from the defence industry and applied to the oil and gas industry relates to access to information. It is essential to understand that particular parts of the development projects may contain classified information (Zimolong and Elke, 2006). Such details may be significant in the process of carrying out the intended assessment procedures. time also is a valuable lesson that can be drawn from the defence industry in terms of focussing on all poin ts during the project cookery stage. It should be initially noted that assessments involving EIA and HSE-MS tools serve as an adequate decision support system that should be available in a timely manner. summary of Human Failure Contribution to Process RiskIn order to gain understanding of human reliability and accident causation, it is important to focus on various HSE management tools including HAZID, HEMP and HAZOP. One of the most powerful tools for the identification of major hazards and risks, which can be implemented in the global oil and gas industry, is HAZID (Ovind and Sneve, 2004). Its use is recommended to be done early to demonstrate greater precision and accuracy of results. The key benefits of HAZID include fast identification and correction of potential deviations, providing records of hazards to annul and mitigate further risks in the global oil and gas industry (Rausand, 2013). The method actually represents a design-enabling tool used to enhance the HSE paramete rs in particular projects.Furthermore, the Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP) was designed to present a highly structured approach to analysing various hazards in the life cycle pertaining to installation processes in the industry. This method put forwards to a three-day session in which participants are provided with significant information on risk management and essential HEMP principles, including HEMPs role in the HSE management systems (Bergh et al., 2014). The management tool identified as HAZOP has been also found useful in identifying and mitigating risks pertaining to the global oil and gas industry. The initial use of this instrument has been considered for the proper identification of hazards through flowsheets and diagrams. It also implements safety audit after several months of operation (Rausand, 2013). Specific procedures considered by oil and gas companies refer to determining the precise degree of hazard and expected change as well as a consideration of the worst case accident that may occur as a result of the modification. In addition, the management tool requires the appointment of a competent, qualified person to comply with the strict requirements for HAZOP (Ramirez et al., 2013).Case battleground of Operating Events at Commercial Nuclear Power PlantsHowever, it is important to focus on the aspects of human failure contribution to process risk as relevant to various events that take place at power plants. The main tools that have been implemented to identify safety events, in which human failure contribution to process risk was investigated, refer to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) Program and the Human Performance Events Database (HPED). Events in this case were selected on the foothold of SPAR analyses that contributed to a proper estimation of human errors that eventually change magnitude risks to the completion of these events (Rausand, 2013). In addition, different human error categories and subcategories have been identified to demonstrate greater accuracy of findings. The formation of categories took place in line with their frequency of occurrence (Gertman et al., 2001). Major categories included command, control, resource allocation, operator actions, communications, design deficiencies, design change testing, configuration management, as well as procedures of maintenance and monitoring of various work processes (Zimolong and Elke, 2006).It has been argued that human failure substantially contributed to process risk in relation to operating events. For instance, seven human errors have been identified to contribute to the emergence of numerous event failures in the identified power plants. Another challenge that has been discover in this case study referred to the lack of attention to recurrent problems (Ash, 2010). In fact, the lack of attention and care to recurrent problems was estimated in approximately 41% of the operating events (Gertman et al. , 2001). Such inattention for the most part related to improper NRC inspection findings, industry notices, and vendor notices. Operating with known design deficiencies also created certain problems at the technicalized nuclear power plants. Human failure was evident in the inability or error to follow plant and industry trends as well as provide timely responses to industry notices (Ramirez et al., 2013).Active human errors were identified as quite problematic pertaining to command and control and resource allocation failures, amounting to almost 28%. For instance, it has been indicated that command and control between Oconee Unit 2 1992 and Keowee hydroelectric station turned out to compromise or challenge the response from the plant (Gertman et al., 2001). The tasks performed by Keowee staff seemed to have affected emergency power at Oconee without receiving proper notifications from control room management. This is a clear example of how human failure contributed to increased risks of operating events. In this relation, it is essential to separate human actions in pre-initiator categories and post-initiator categories (Rausand, 2013). Pre-initiator actions are recognised as actions that may affect the availability of systems and elements associated with the response to incidents. Such actions mostly include errors in restoring particular systems after maintenance procedures at the plants (Zimolong and Elke, 2006). Post-initiator human actions represent a type of responses to incidents occurring in the power plants, as they may be also recovery actions in terms of restoring certain failed systems.It can be suggested that latent human errors mostly suppose a direct relation with pre-initiator human actions, as they are further related to numerous failures in the system. Therefore, it can be concluded that the results obtained from this case study indicated that human performance contributed essentially to increasing risks in analysed operating events (Berg h et al., 2014). Human failures to correct known problems have been frequently identified along with errors made during design and maintenance activities at commercial nuclear power plants. Thus, the results of this case study demonstrate that multiple errors occurring in operating events contribute to the so-called probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) basic events which are evident in SPAR models (Gertman et al., 2001).Importance of EIA and HSE-MSIn order to improve practice of the oil and gas industry, the introduction of HSE management systems should take place in line with the integration of Environmental Impact judgment (EIA). It is essential to clarify that EIA is defined as a process by which a projects impact on the environment is measured (Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, 2013). In case the likely effects are identified as unacceptable, professionals in the field are responsible for developing effective mitigation strategies to reduce such a pe rceived negative impact. Thus, EIA is a crucial tool used in managing the complex interrelations between development and the environment (Rausand, 2013). The examination of the environmental consequences of development actions is done in a structured manner based on multidisciplinary approaches applicable to the global oil and gas industry. The integration of EIA and HSE-MS tools may adequately facilitate the functioning of oil and gas companies. The primary goal of these management tools is to ensure strict deference with relevant legislations and standards in the field of operation (Bergh et al., 2014). It is of crucial importance that all HSE hazards are identified and handled in a timely manner. Their systemic assessment is a proper step towards ensuring that all criteria for adequate performance have been met.The integration of these assessments allows for accurate procedures implemented in the context of risk management for oil and gas companies worldwide. For instance, it m ay be indicated that various development projects that involve the use of radioactive material and nuclear fuel represent serious risks and hazards, which should be extensively assessed through the frameworks of EIA and HSE-MS (Abaza et al., 2004). Global oil and gas companies are held responsible for ensuring that all dimensions pertaining to human health, environment and security are thoroughly considered prior to the accomplishment of particular projects. Thus, importance is placed on risk assessment and environmental impact assessment of planned activities in the oil and gas industry (Rausand, 2013). As a result, such organisations are committed to improve their internal procedures that play a key role in conducting risk assessment and environmental impact assessment. In this context, a viable measure would be to screen all nuclear safety project proposals to ensure that such assessment procedures are done appropriately. Additional requirements for accord may be specified by t he authorities in particular countries in which oil and gas companies operate (Ash, 2010).International measures should be constantly better in relation to the integration of EIA and HSE-MS measures (Zimolong and Elke, 2006). This aspect may lead to extensive support for initiating a co-ordinated international action to demonstrate high-quality environmental impact assessment and risk assessment pertaining to projects developed in the oil and gas industry. An overall risk assessment is fundamental in order to ensure that all development projects are completed in a cost-efficient and secure manner. These aspects should be considered in the process of setting certain priorities in the operation of oil and gas companies (Ramirez et al., 2013). Such thorough assessments may direct efforts to generate necessary funds for the completion of more urgent tasks in the industry.ConclusionIn conclusion, this paper provided a relevant exploration of process safety management in the global oil an d gas industry. Specific arguments have been introduced in order to emphasise the important role of HSE-MS tools, which combined with EIA, may contribute to greater efficiency and safety of work practices in oil and gas companies around the world (Rausand, 2013). The paper focuses on discussing the effectiveness of HSE management systems. In addition, human failure contribution was analysed as related to process risk evident at operating events in commercial nuclear power plants. Another aspect outlined in the report included the integration of EIA and HSE-MS tools that may lead to better recognition and maintenance of risks identified in the oil and gas industry (Bergh et al., 2014). In conclusion, providing accurate assessments is associated with the delivery of positive outcomes in this industry.ReferencesAbaza, H., Bisset, R. and Sadler, B. (2004). Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment Towards an Integrated Approach. UNEP online. Available at htt p// Accessed on 28 Nov. 2014.Ash, J. (2010). parvenue Nuclear Energy, Risk, and Justice Regulatory Strategies for an Era of Limited Trust. Politics & Policy, vol. 38(2) 255-284.Bergh, L. I., Hinna, S. and Leka, S. (2014). sustainable Business Practice in a Norwegian Oil and Gas Company. Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology Global Perspectives on seek and Practice, vol. 3 198-217.Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (2013). Guidelines for Planning Authorities and An Bord Pleanala on Carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment online. Available at http//,32720,en.pdf Accessed on 28 Nov. 2014.Gertman, D. I., Hallbert, B. P., Parrish, M. W., Sattision, M. B., Brownson, D. and Tortorelli, J. P. (2001). Review of Findings for Human Error Contribution to Risk in Operating Events. NUREG online. Available at http// llections/nuregs/contract/cr6753/cr6753.pdf Accessed on 28 Nov. 2014.Haight, J. M. (2013). Process Safety Regulations around the World. Handbook of Loss Prevention Engineering, vol. 1&2 463-499.International Association of Drilling Contractors (2014). IADC HSE Case Guidelines online. Available at http// Accessed on 28 Nov. 2014.Ovind, A. K. and Sneve, M. (2004). Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Assessment in Northwestern Russia-from a Norwegian Perspective. IAEA Organisation online. Available at http// Accessed on 28 Nov. 2014.Ramirez, P. A., Utne, I. B. and Haskins, C. (2013). Application of Systems Engineering to Integrate Ageing Management into Maintenance Management of Oil and Gas Facilities. Systems Engineering, vol. 16(3) 329-345.Rausand, M. (2013). Risk Assessment Theory, Methods, and Applications. New York Wiley.Zimolong, B. M. and Elke, G. (2006). Occupational Healt h and Safety Management. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics 671-707.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Forward the Foundation Chapter 22
Part IVWanda SeldonSELDON, WANDA- In the waning historic period of Hari Seldons life, he grew most attached to (some say dependent upon) his granddaughter, Wanda. Orphaned in her teens, Wanda Seldon devoted herself to her grandfathers Psychohistory Project, filling the vacancy left by Yugo AmarylThe content of Wanda Seldons work remains mostly a mystery, for it was conducted in virtu bothy total isolation. The merely several(prenominal)s al down in the mouthcasted access to Wanda Seldons res headch were Hari himself and a younker man named Stettin Palver (whose descendant Preem would quad hundred years later contribute to the rebirth of Trantor, as the planet rose from the ashes of the Great Sack 300 F.E.1).Although the full extent of Wanda Seldons contribution to the Foundation is unknown, it was undoubtedly of the greatest magnitude cyclopaedia Galactica1Hari Seldon walked into the Galactic Library (limping a little, as he did more and more often these days) and made for th e banks of skitters, the little vehicles that slid their way along the interminable corridors of the mental synthesis complex.He was held up, however, by the sight of trine men seated at single of the galactography alcoves, with the Galactograph demo the coltsfoot in full three-dimensional representation and, of course, its worlds behind pinwheeling around its core, spinning at dear angles to that as well.From where Seldon s alsod he could see that the border Province of Anacreon was marked off in glowing red. It skirted the edge of the Galaxy and took up a great volume, but it was sparsely populated with stars. Anacreon was non remarkable for either wealth or culture but was remarkable for its aloofness from Trantor ten thousand parsecs out-of-door.Seldon acting on impulse, took a seat at a computer console near the three and set up a random search he was sure would take an indefinite period. Some instinct told him that such an intense interest in Anacreon must be politi cal in nature-its position in the Galaxy made it whizz of the least secure holdings of the current Imperial regime. His eyes remained on his screen, but Seldons ears were open for the in testifyigence near him. One didnt usually hear political discussions in the Library. They were, in point of fact, not supposed to take place.Seldon did not know every of the three men. That was not entirely surprising. There were habitues of the Library, quite a fewer, and Seldon k new-sprung(prenominal) most of them by sight-and some in time to chew out to-but the Library was open to all citizens. No qualifications. Anyone could draw in and use its facilities. (For a limited period of date, of course. Only a select few, like Seldon were allowed to set up shop in the Library. Seldon had been granted the use of a locked private pip and complete access to Library resources.)One of the men (Seldon thought of him as Hook Nose, for obvious reasons) spoke in a low urgent voice.Let it go, he expre ss. Let it go. Its costing us a mint to chastise to hold on and, even if we do, it volition only be while theyre on that point. They cant stay there forever and, as soon as they leave, the positioning leave alone revert to what it was.Seldon knew what they were talking toing about. The news had condescend over TrantorVision only three days ago that the Imperial government had decided on a show of force to bring the obstreperous Governor of Anacreon into line. Seldons own psychohistorical synopsis had shown him that it was a useless procedure, but the government did not generally listen when its emotions were stirred. Seldon smiled slightly and grimly at hearing Hook Nose say what he himself had said-and the young man said it without the benefit of any knowledge of psychohistory.Hook Nose went on. If we leave Anacreon alone, what do we lose? Its still there, right where it always was, right at the edge of the pudding stone. It cant pick up and go to Andromeda, can it? So it still has to trade with us and life impacts. Whats the difference if they salute the Emperor or not? Youll never be able to tell the difference.The second man, whom Seldon had labeled Baldy, for even more obvious reasons, said, Except this whole business doesnt exist in a vacuum. If Anacreon goes, the other border provinces allow for go. The Empire will break up.So what? whispered Hook Nose fiercely. The Empire cant run itself effectively anymore, anyway. Its too big. Let the border go and take care of itself-if it can. The Inner Worlds will be all the stronger and better off. The border doesnt retain to be ours politically it will still be ours economically.And now the third man ( personnel casualty Cheeks) said, I wish you were right, but thats not the way its going to work. If the border provinces establish their independence, the scratch line matter each will do will be to try to increase its power at the expense of its neighbors. Therell be war and conflict and every one o f the governors will dream of becoming Emperor at last. It will be like the old days before the Kingdom of Trantor-a dark age that will last for thousands of years.Baldy said, Surely things wont be that bad. The Empire may break up, but it will heal itself quickly when mess find out that the insularity just now means war and impoverishment. Theyll look back on the golden days of the intact Empire and all will be well again. Were not barbarians, you know. Well find a way.Absolutely, said Hook Nose. Weve got to remember that the Empire has faced crisis after crisis in its history and has pulled through time and again. exclusively bolshie Cheeks move his head as he said, This is not just another crisis. This is something much worse. The Empire has been deteriorating for generations. Ten years worth of the military junta destroyed the economy and since the fall of the junta and the rise of this new Emperor, the Empire has been so weak that the governors on the Periphery dont shed to do anything. Its going to fall of its own weight.And the committedness to the Emperor- began Hook Nose.What allegiance? said Red Cheeks. We went for years without an Emperor after Cleon was assassinated and no one have the appearance _or_ semblanceed to mind much. And this new Emperor is just a figurehead. Theres nothing he can do. Theres nothing anyone can do. This isnt a crisis. This is the end. The other two stared at Red Cheeks, frowning. Baldy said, You really believe it You think that the Imperial government will just sit there and let it all happen?Yes Like you two, they wont believe it is happening. That is, until its too late.What would you want them to do if they did believe it? asked Baldy.Red Cheeks stared into the Galactograph, as if he might find an answer there. I dont know. Look, in due course of time Ill die things wont be too bad by then. Afterward, as the situation gets worse, other people can worry about it. Ill be gone. And so will the good old days. perha ps forever. Im not the only one who thinks this, by the way. Ever hear of someone named Hari Seldon?Sure, said Hook Nose at once. Wasnt he First Minister chthonian Cleon?Yes, said Red Cheeks. Hes some secernate of scientist. I heard him give a talk a few months back. It felt good to know Im not the only one who believes the Empire is locomote apart. He said-And he said everythings going to pot and theres going to be a permanent dark age? Baldy interjected.Well no, said Red Cheeks. Hes one of these real cautious types. Ire says it might happen, but hes wrong. It will happen.Seldon had heard enough. He limped toward the table where the three men sat and touched Red Cheeks on the shoulder.Sir, he said, may I speak to you for a moment?Startled, Red Cheeks looked up and then he said, Hey, arent you Professor Seldon?I always hold been, said Seldon. He handed the man a reference tile bearing his photograph. I would like to see you here in my Library office at 4 P.M., day after tomorrow . Can you manage that?I have to work.Call in sick if you have to. Its important.Well, Im not sure, sir.Do it, said Seldon. If you get into any sort of trouble over it, Ill straighten it out. And meanwhile, gentlemen, do you mind if I study the Galaxy simulation for a moment? Its been a long time since Ive looked at one.They nodded mutely, apparently abashed at being in the presence of a former First Minister. One by one the men stepped back and allowed Seldon access to the Galactograph controls.Seldons finger reached out to the controls and the red that had marked off the Province of Anacreon vanished. The Galaxy was unmarked, a glowing pinwheel of mist brightening into the planetary glow at the center, behind which was the Galactic black hole.Individual stars could not be made out, of course, unless the view were magnified, but then only one delegate or another of the Galaxy would be shown on the screen and Seldon wanted to see the whole thing -to get a look at the Empire that wa s vanishing.He pushed a contact and a series of yellow dots appeared on the Galactic image. They represented the habitable planets-twenty-five million of them. They could be distinguished as individual dots in the thin fog that represented the outskirts of the Galaxy, but they were more and more thickly placed as one moved in toward the center. There was a belt of what seemed solid yellow (but which would separate into individual dots under magnification) around the central glow. The central glow itself remained white and unmarked, of course. No habitable planets could exist in the midst of the turbulent energies of the core.Despite the great density of yellow, not one star in ten thousand, Seldon knew, had a habitable planet circling it. This was true, despite the planet-molding and terraforming capacities of human being. not all the molding in the Galaxy could make most of the worlds into anything a human being could walk on in comfort and without the protection of a spacesuit.Se ldon closed another contact. The yellow dots disappeared, but one tiny region glowed blasphemous Trantor and the various worlds directly dependent on it. As close as it could be to the central core and yet remaining insulated from its deadliness, it was commonly viewed as being located at the center of the Galaxy, which it wasnt-not truly. As usual, one had to be strike by the smallness of the world of Trantor, a tiny place in the vast realm of the Galaxy, but within it was squeezed the largest concentration of wealth, culture, and governmental authority that humanity had ever seen.And even that was doomed to destruction.It was just about as though the men could enter his mind or perhaps they interpreted the sad expression on his face.Baldy asked softly, Is the Empire really going to be destroyed?Seldon replied, softer still, It might. It might. Anything might happen.He rose, smiled at the men, and left, but in his thoughts he screamed It will It will2Seldon sighed as he climbed into one of the skitters that were ranked side by side in the large alcove. There had been a time, just a few years ago, when he had gloried in walking briskly along the interminable corridors of the Library, telling himself that even though he was past sixty he could manage it. nevertheless now, at seventy, his legs gave way all too quickly and he had to take a skitter. Younger men took them all the time because skitters saved them trouble, but Seldon did it because he had to-and that made all the difference.After Seldon punched in the destination, he closed a contact and the skitter lifted a fraction of an inch above the floor. absent it went at a rather casual pace, very smoothly, very silently, and Seldon leaned back and watched the corridor walls, the other skitters, the occasional walkers.He passed a number of Librarians and, even after all these years, he still smiled when he saw them. They were the oldest Guild in the Empire, the one with the most revered traditions, and t hey clung to ways that were more appropriate centuries before-maybe millennia before.Their garments were silky and off-white and were blowsy enough to be almost gownlike, coming in concert at the neck and billowing out from there.Trantor, like all the worlds, oscillated, where the males were concerned, between facial hair and smoothness. The people of Trantor itself-or at least most of its sectors-were smooth-shaven and had been smooth-shaven for as far back as he knew-excepting such anomalies as the mustaches worn by Dahlites, such as his own foster son, Raych.The Librarians, however, clung to the beards of long ago. Every Librarian had a rather short neatly cultivated beard running from ear to ear but leaving bare the upper lip. That alone was enough to mark them for what they were and to make the smooth-shaven Seldon feel a little uncomfortable when surrounded by a crowd of them.Actually the most characteristic thing of all was the cap each wore (perhaps even when asleep, Seldon thought). Square, it was made of a velvety strong, in four parts that came together with a button at the top. The caps came in an endless variety of colors and apparently each color had significance. If you were familiar with Librarian lore, you could tell a particular Librarians length of service, area of expertise, grades of accomplishment, and so on. They helped fix a pecking order. Every Librarian could, by a glance at anothers hat, tell whether to be respectful (and to what degree) or overbearing (and to what degree).The Galactic Library was the largest single structure on Trantor (possibly in the Galaxy), much larger than even the Imperial Palace, and it had once gleamed and glittered, as though boasting of its size and magnificence. However, like the Empire itself, it had faded and withered. It was like an old dowager still wearing the jewels of her youth but upon a body that was unironed and wattled.The skitter stopped in front of the ornate doorway of the Chief Librarian s office and Seldon climbed out.Las Zenow smiled as he greeted Seldon. Welcome, my friend, he said in his high-pitched voice. (Seldon wondered if he had ever sung tenor in his younger days but had never dared to ask. The Chief Librarian was a compound of dignity always and the motility might have seemed offensive.)Greetings, said Seldon. Zenow had a gray beard, rather more than halfway to white, and he wore a pure white hat. Seldon understood that without any explanation. It was a case of reverse ostentation. The total absence of color represented the highest peak of position.Zenow rubbed his hands with what seemed to be an inner glee. Ive called you in, Hari, because Ive got good news for you. Weve run aground itBy it, Las, you mean-A suitable world. You wanted one far out. I think weve located the ideal one. His smile broadened. You just leave it to the Library. Hari. We can find anything.I have no doubt, Las. Tell me about this world.Well, let me show you its location first. A section of the wall slid aside, the lights in the room dimmed, and the Galaxy appeared in three-dimensional form, good turn unwindly. Again, red lines marked off the Province of Anacreon, so that Seldon could almost swear that the episode with the three men had been a rehearsal for this.And then a graphic blue dot appeared at the far end of the province. There it is, said Zenow. Its an ideal world. Sizable, well-watered, good oxygen atmosphere, vegetation, of course. A great deal of sea life. Its there just for the taking. No planet-molding or terraforming required-or, at least, none that cannot be done while it is actually occupied.Seldon said, Is it an unoccupied world, Las?Absolutely unoccupied. No one on it.But why-if its so suitable? I presume that, if you have all the details about it, it must have been explored. Why wasnt it colonized?It was explored, but only by unmanned probes. And there was no colonization-presumably because it was so far from everything. The planet rev olves around a star that is farther from the central black hole than that of any populate planet-farther by far. Too far, I suppose, for prospective colonists, but I think not too far for you. You said, The farther, the better. Yes, said Seldon, nodding. I still say so. Does it have a name or is there just a letter-number combination?Believe it or not, it has a name. Those who sent out the probes named it Terminus, an archaic word nitty-gritty the end of the line. Which it would seem to be.Seldon said, Is the world part of the territory of the Province of Anacreon?Not really, said Zenow. If youll study the red line and the red shading, you will see that the blue dot of Terminus lies slightly outside it-fifty light-years outside it, in fact. Terminus belongs to nobody its not even part of the Empire, as a matter of fact.Youre right, then, Las. It does seem like the ideal world Ive been looking for.Of course, said Zenow thoughtfully, once you occupy Terminus, I imagine the Governor o f Anacreon will claim it as being under his jurisdiction.Thats possible, said Seldon, but well have to deal with that when 1 he matter comes up.Zenow rubbed his hands again. What a glorious conception. Setting up a large interpret on a brand-new world, far away and entirely isolated, so that year by year and decade by decade a huge Encyclopedia of all human knowledge can be put together. An epitome of what is present in this Library. If I were only younger, I would cognize to tie in the expedition.Seldon said sadly, Youre almost twenty years younger than I am. (Almost everyone is far younger than I am, he thought, even more sadly.)Zenow said, Ah yes, I heard that you just passed your seventieth birthday. I hope you enjoyed it and celebrated appropriately.Seldon stirred. I dont celebrate my birthdays.Oh, but you did. I remember the famous story of your sixtieth birthday.Seldon felt the pain, as deeply as though the dearest loss in all the world had taken place the day before. Pl ease dont talk about it, he said.Abashed, Zenow said, Im sorry. Well talk about something else. If, indeed, Terminus is the world you want, I imagine that your work on the preliminaries to the Encyclopedia Project will be redoubled. As you know, the Library will be glad to help you in all respects.Im aware of it, Las, and I am endlessly grateful. We will, indeed, keep working.He rose, not yet able to smile after the sharp pang induced by the reference to his birthday celebration of ten years back. He said, So I must go to continue my labors.And as he left, he felt, as always, a pang of conscience over the deceit he was practicing. Las Zenow did not have the slightest idea of Seldons true intentions.3Hari Seldon surveyed the comfortable suite that had been his personal office at the Galactic Library these past few years. It, like the rest of the Library, had a vague air of tumble about it, a kind of weariness-something that had been too long in one place. And yet Seldon knew it migh t remain here, in the same place, for centuries more-with judicious rebuildings-for millennia even.How did he come to be here?Over and over again, he felt the past in his mind, ran his mental tendrils along the line of development of his life. It was part of growing older, no doubt. There was so much more in the past, so much less in the future, that the mind morose away from the looming shadow ahead to analyze the safety of what had gone before.In his case, though, there was that change. For over thirty years psychohistory had developed in what might almost be considered a straight line-progress creepingly slow but moving straight ahead. Then six years ago there had been a right-angled turn-totally unexpected.And Seldon know exactly how it had happened, how a concatenation of events came together to make it possible.It was Wanda, of course, Seldons granddaughter. Hari closed his eyes and settled into his chair to review the events of six years before.Twelve-year-old Wanda was ber eft. Her mother, Manella, had had another chela, another little girl, Bellis, and for a time the new despoil was a total preoccupation.Her father, Raych, having finished his book on his home sector of Dahl, found it to be a minor success and himself a minor celebrity. He was called upon to talk on the subject, something he accepted with alacrity, for he was fiercely absorbed in the subject and, as he said to Hari with a grin, When I talk about Dahl, I dont have to hide my Dahlite accent. In fact, the public expects it of me.The net result, though, was that he was away from home a considerable amount of time and when he wasnt, it was the baby he wanted to see.As for Dors-Dors was gone-and to Hari Seldon that wound was ever-fresh, ever-painful. And he had reacted to it in an unfortunate manner. It had been Wandas dream that had set in motion the current of events that had ended with the loss of Dors.Wanda had had nothing to do with it-Seldon knew that very well. And yet he found hims elf shrinking from her, so that he also failed her in the crisis brought about by the birth of the new baby.And Wanda wandered disconsolately to the one person who always seemed glad to see her, the one person she could always count on. That WAS Yugo Amaryl, second only to Hari Seldon in the development of psychohistory and first in his absolute round-the-clock devotion to it. Hari had had Dors and Raych, but psychohistory was Yugos life he had no wife and children. Yet whenever Wanda came into his presence, something within him recognized her as a child and he dimly felt-for just that moment-a sense of loss that seemed to be assuaged only by showing the child affection. To be sure, he tended to treat her as a rather undersized adult, but Wanda seemed to like that.It was six years ago that she had wandered into Yugos office. Yugo looked up at her with his owlish reconstituted eyes and, as usual, took a moment or two to recognize her.Then he said, Why, its my dear friend Wanda. But w hy do you look so sad? Surely an attractive young woman like you should never feel sad.And Wanda, her lower lip trembling, said, Nobody loves me.Oh come, thats not true.They just love that new baby. They dont care about me anymore.I love you, Wanda.Well, youre the only one then, Uncle Yugo. And even though she could no longer crawl onto his lap as she had when she was younger, she cradled her head on his shoulder and wept.Amaryl, totally unaware of what he should do, could only hug the girl and say, Dont cry. Dont cry. And out of sheer sympathy and because he had so little in his own life to weep about, he found that tears were trickling down his own cheeks as well.And then he said with sudden energy, Wanda, would you like to see something pretty?What? sniffled Wanda.Amaryl knew only one thing in life and the Universe that was pretty. He said, Did you ever see the Prime Radiant?No. What is it?Its what your grandfather and I use to do our work. See? Its right here.He pointed to the b lack cube on his desk and Wanda looked at it woefully. Thats not pretty, she said.Not now, agreed Amaryl. But watch when I turn it on.He did so. The room darkened and make full with dots of light and flashes of different colors. See? Now we can magnify it so all the dots become mathematical symbols.And so they did. There seemed a rush of material toward them and there, in the air, were signs of all sorts, letters, numbers, arrows, and shapes that Wanda had never seen before.Isnt it pretty? asked Amaryl.Yes, it is, said Wanda, staring carefully at the equations that (she didnt know) represented possible futures. I dont like that part, though. I think its wrong. She pointed at a colorful equation to her left.Wrong? Why do you say its wrong said Amaryl, frowning.Because its not pretty. Id do it a different way.Amaryl cleared his throat. Well, Ill try to fix it up. And he moved closer to the equation in question, staring at it in his owlish fashion.Wanda said, Thank you very much, Uncl e Yugo, for showing me your pretty lights. Maybe someday Ill understand what they mean.Thats all right, said Amaryl. I hope you feel better.A little, thanks, and, after flashing the briefest of smiles, she left the room.Amaryl stood there, feeling a trifle hurt. He didnt like having the Prime Radiants product criticized-not even by a twelve-year-old girl who knew no better.And as he stood there, he had no idea whatsoever that the psychohistorical renewing had begun.4That afternoon Amaryl went to Hari Seldons office at Streeling University. That in itself was fantastic, for Amaryl virtually never left his own office, even to speak with a colleague just down the hall.Hari, said Amaryl, frowning and looking puzzled. Something very odd has happened. Very peculiar.Seldon looked at Amaryl with deepest sorrow. He was only fifty-three, but he looked much older, bent, worn down to almost transparency. When forced, he had undergone doctors examinations and the doctors had all recommended th at he leave his work for a period of time (some said permanently) and rest. Only this, the doctors said, might improve his health. Otherwise-Seldon shook his head. Take him away from his work and hell die all the sooner-and unhappier. We have no choice.And then Seldon realized that, lost in such thoughts, he was not hearing Amaryl speak.He said, Im sorry, Yugo. Im a little distracted. Begin again.Amaryl said, Im telling you that something very odd has happened. Very peculiar.What is it, Yugo?It was Wanda. She came in to see me-very sad, very upset.Why?Apparently its the new baby.Oh yes, Hari said with more than a trace of guilt in his voice.So she said and cried on my shoulder-I actually cried a bit, too, Hari. And then I thought Id cheer her up by showing her the Prime Radiant. Here Amaryl hesitated, as if choosing his next words carefully.Go on, Yugo. What happened?Well, she stared at all the lights and I magnified a portion, actually Section 428254. Youre acquainted with that?Sel don smiled. No, Yugo, I havent memorized the equations quite as well as you have.Well, you should, said Amaryl severely. How can you do a good job if-But never mind that. What Im trying to say is that Wanda pointed to a part of it and said it was no good. It wasnt pretty. Why not? We all have our personal likes and dislikes.Yes, of course, but I brooded about it and I spent some time going over it and, Hari, there was something wrong with it. The programming was inexact and that area, the precise area to which Wanda pointed, was no good. And, really, it wasnt pretty.Seldon sat up rather stiffly, frowning. Let me get this straight, Yugo. She pointed to something at random, said it was no good, and she was right?Yes. She pointed, but it wasnt at random she was very deliberate.But thats impossible.But it happened. I was there.Im not saying it didnt happen. Im saying it was just a wild coincidence.Is it? Do you think, with all your knowledge of psychohistory, you could take one glance a t a new set of equations and tell me that one portion is no good?Seldon said, Well then, Yugo, how did you come to expand that particular portion of the equations? What made you choose that piece for magnification?Amaryl shrugged. That was coincidence-if you like. I just fiddled with the controls.That couldnt be coincidence, muttered Seldon. For a few moments he was lost in thought, then he asked the question that pushed forward the psychohistorical revolution that Wanda had begun.He said, Yugo, did you have any suspicions about those equations beforehand? Did you have any reason to believe there was something wrong with them?Amaryl fiddled with the sash of his unisuit and seemed embarrassed. Yes, I think I did. You see-You think you did?I know I did. I seemed to recall when I was setting it up-its a new section, you know-my fingers seemed to glitch on the programmer. It looked all right then, but I guess I kept worrying about it inside. I remember thinking it looked wrong, but I ha d other things to do and I just let it go. But then when Wanda happened to point to precisely the area I had been concerned about, I decided to check up on her-otherwise I would just have let it go as a childish statement.And you turned on that very fragment of the equations to show Wanda. As though it were haunting your unconscious mind.Amaryl shrugged. Who knows?And just before that, you were very close together, hugging, both crying.Amaryl shrugged again, looking even more embarrassed.Seldon said, I think I know what happened, Yugo. Wanda read your mind.Amaryl jumped, as though he had been bitten. Thats impossibleSlowly Seldon said, I once knew someone who had unusual mental powers of that sort-and he thought sadly of Eto Demerzel or, as Seldon had secretly known him, Daneel-only he was somewhat more than human. But his ability to read minds, to sense other peoples thoughts, to persuade people to act in a certain way-that was a mental ability. I think, somehow, that perhaps Wanda has that ability as well.I cant believe it, said Amaryl stubbornly.I can, said Seldon but I dont know what to do about it. Dimly lie felt the rumblings of a revolution in psychohistorical research-but only dimly.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Proposal: to Increase Breastfeeding Rates in New York
Public Budgeting Professor Lynch Spring 2009 Proposal to Increase mammillafeeding Rates in parvenu York Introduction In a time when overwhelming research shows that human milk is superior to any sort of manufactured human milk substitute, with great scotch benefits for blowing families, the health grapple system, and society in general, breastfeeding is no longer seen as just an individual choice, but as a public health challenge that deserves more than than furtherance to create supportive systems and environments for mothers to breastfeed. adult male milk is more than food, its a living substance like blood that have active germs fighting and health ingredients to help protect babies against all kinds of common or un-common infections. Human milk have all the necessary nutrients and a low protein content a fumble will need and any distributor point of breastfeeding a women put forward give either short or long would be of benefit. The national goals set by Health Peopl e 2010 are for 75% of women to initiate breastfeeding, for 50% to still be breastfeeding at 6 months and 25 % by 12 months.Billions of health mission dollars would be saved if more infants were altogether breastfed and for a longer time. The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) Page 2 estimates that $2 billion per year are spent by families on infant regulation and that $3. 6 7 billion dollars could be saved each year in preventable conditions if breastfeeding strides were increased to the recommended levels. Breastfeeding is i of the or so important aspects of infant health.When babies are fed with formula rather than breast milk they are more likely to be sick more oft and more seriously. The health problems that infants encounter for non breastfeeding are gastrointestinal, respiratory, and ear infections. There are negative health consequences to not breastfeeding for the mother also. The mothers experience more postpartum bleeding and delayed uterine involution, return or no return to pre-pregnancy weight and increase risk of ovarian cancer.Additionally, formula feeding is not good for the environment since it burdens our landfills and required more fuels for its manufacturer and preparation. It also creates pollution from required products during the manufacturing of plastic bottles and containers for the storage and delivery of infant formula Despite state that in New York State there has being a decrease in the number of women who initiates breastfeeding, minority and low income women are still being disinclined to promote breastfeeding.According to the New York State discussion section of Health is goal is to fork over the physical and emotional sanitary-being of childbearing mothers and their infants by increasing the rate and duration of breastfeeding in the State. Page 3 The overall percentage of New York women breastfeeding is 76. 3% higher than that of the entire United States. However, the overall rate of women New York exclu sively breastfeeding for the first 6 months is only 8. 4%, 3 months exclusively 25. 5% and 12 months 24. 6 %. Existing Law Several laws have been enacted in New York to protect a womans right to breastfeed.In August of 2007 Governor Eliot Spitzer sing into legislation protecting rights of nursing mother in the workplace, that requires employers to provide uncompensated time and private space to ex excite milk or nurse their children for a period of time. A bill was introduced to amend the public health law in relation to breastfeeding mothers bill of rights. The public health law was amended by adapting a new section 2505 which specifies that a patient bill of rights for breastfeeding should be posted in a public place in each maternal health care facility.The Breastfeeding Bill of Rights was re-introduced for breastfeeding place and the New York State Rules and Regulations for more to be done to protect mothers right to breastfeed her child, but also empower and supports new mothe rs as they seek to breastfeed their children. Page 4 Proposal To address this issue I am proposing breastfeeding legislation that would 1)Change a hospital stay policy that does not provide adequate time for mothers milk to come in or for appropriate education and support. )Recommend that all licensed nurses working indoors a maternity unit of a hospital receive a minimum of 18 hours of training on basic lactation management and evidence a specified level of competencies and 3)Recommend teaching all licensed doctors in Obstetrics and Child Health to diagnose and treat the medical problems that comes between luxuriate and mothers whom are breastfeeding and 4) To recognize the importance of breastfeeding in maternal child health Women experience many barriers to successful breastfeeding, the proposed legislation would address three of the many problems that occurs during the most vulnerable time.The early postpartum period is critical to the successful establishment of lactation ma king what occurs during this short time extremely important. A breastfeeding woman can always switch to formula feeding very easily the decision to bottle feed is very hard to reverse after only a few days. Page 5 Rationale for restricting formula marketing Women need to feel confident in their ability to adequately nourish their babies. characterization to formula marketing and free samples of formula has been shown to undermine a womans confidence, especially if she is encountering difficulties to establish lactation. The use of supplements has the negative effect of decreasing a womans milk supply and further interfering with adequate and early weaning from the breast. Restricting formula marketing during the early postpartum period allows women to make a more informed decision about(predicate) feeding, based on personal preference and available resources.Marketing formula to women during the vulnerable postpartum period is unethical from a public health standpoint. Some healthc are professionals are collaborating with the industry by accepting materials, incentives and financial assistance (discharge packs, free supplies, lunches, sponsorship of in-services and conferences, bring forward and construction of maternity facilities, etc. ) from formula companies.Instead of formula samples and messages, health care institutions should provide women with medically accurate breastfeeding support and information, such as the impart cost of buying artificial milk, including the cost of consumers advertising. Besides perfect nutrition of human milk, there are many other benefits in breastfeeding for babies, mothers as well as society, such as easily digested, higher IQ, protects infant guts, prevents hemorrhaging after delivery, no worry of which brand of milk Page 6 s best, the milk is never been recalled due to manufacturing problem, no issues of contamination, etc. Major Obstacles/Implementation Challenges Breastfeeding may not be for all women, therefore the d ecision to breastfeed or formula feed is based on their comfort level, lifestyle and medical conditions that they might have, as well as, class and racial implication of breastfeeding, such as economic and cultural constraints could make it difficult for a woman to nurse.Women need and should have the right to receive medically accurate, evidence-based information about lactation from health care providers before delivery that provides nutritional, medical and psychological benefits of breastfeeding and after delivery for adequate assistance and support during the critical postpartum period from nurses/doctors who possess accurate, up to visualize information and skills in basic lactation managements is essential to helping women breastfeed. During the early postpartum period, nurses are often the most influential and trusted sources of information about infant feeding.But, many do not possess the knowledge or skills to adequately provide the support needed to help women to initiat e lactation. Nurses who have not been trained in breastfeeding management cannot be expected to give mothers effective guidance and provide skilled counseling. Page 7 Lactation management is often omitted from curricula in basic training of nurses and is currently not a required part of on the job training. Opponents of this training may argue that the resource for this is beyond the scope of the New York State governments duties or that it may cost too much.Upon examining the program, however, one will note that some of the burden could be assume by the federal government to improve the quality of care mothers receive after post-partum on breastfeeding. Looking at the cost on implementing these trainings and certifications no one institution should cover the cost. Given the rapid growth of new mothers, there would be no better time to implement these trainings, although the decision to breastfeed is a personal one. Breastfeeding do come with some challenges for both women and babie s such as plenty of patience and persistence, personal comfort, time and frequency feedings, etc. U. S.Department of Health and Human Services. HHS Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding, Washington, D. C. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. HHC People 2010 Conference Edition Volumes I and II. United States Department of Agriculture, The economical Benefits of Breastfeeding A Review and Analysis. Food assistance and Nutrition Research Report No. 13 (20001) American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk (RE9729). Pediatrics 1997 100(6) 1035-1039 D. A. Frank et al, Commercial discharge Packs and Breastfeeding Counseling Effects on Infant-Feeding Practices in a Randomized Trial. Pediatrics 80 (1987) 845-854. www. Baby center. com Breastfeeding www. Kids Health. com Benefits of Breast Feeding New York State Department of Health Breastfeeding Mothers Bill of Rights See generally the websites for the Center for Disease Control http//w ww. cdc. gov/breastfeeding and the National Womens Health schooling Centers Resources on Breastfeeding http//www. 4woman. gov/breastfeeding. 6 S e e American Academy of Pediatrics home page at http//www. aap. org/advocacy/bf/brhist. htm. http/www. state. ny. us/governor/press/0822072
Friday, May 24, 2019
Microelectronic Pill Essay
1. ABSTRACTA Microelectronic pill is a basic each(prenominal)y a multichannel sensor used for remote biomedical measurements using micro technology. This has been developed for the internal study and detection of diseases and brachydactylicities in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract where limit access prevents the use of traditional endoscope. The measurement parameters for detection include real time remote recording of temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in the GI tract. This paper deals with the design of the Microelectronic pill which mainly consists of an outer biocompatible capsule encasing 4channel micro sensors, a control chip, a discrete agent radio vector and 2 silver oxide cells. Our Body is a sensitive system.Many times even doctors arent able to interpret the disease. Thus it take too late to cure it. To remove this problem scientists discovered electronic capsule in 1972. Use of discrete & relatively large components, ridiculous reliability, short li fetimes & low sensitivity makes it outdated. To over pay off all these problems Professor Jon Cooper and Dr Erik Johanessen from Glasgow University , U.K has led to the development of a modern microelectronic pill. When Microelectronic pill is swallowed, hence it will travel through the Gastro Intestinal Tract & simultaneously perform multiparameter in situ physiological analysis After completing its mission it will come out of the body by normal bowel movement The pill is 16mm in diameter & 55mm long weighing around 5 gram It records parameters standardized temperature, pH, Conductivity, & Dissolved Oxygen in real time. PARTS CONTROL CHIP RADIO TRANSMITTER 2 SILVER OXIDE CELLS BIOCOMPATIBLE CAPSULE ENCASING MICROSENSOR SILICON DIODE 3 ELECTRODE ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL DIRECT CONTACT GOLD ELECTRODE ION-SELECTIVE FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR (ISFET) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF MICRO ELECTRONIC CAPSULEIt measures the body plaza temperature.Also compensates with the temperature induced signal chan ges in other sensors. It besides identifies local changes associated with TISSUE INFLAMMATION & ULCERS. SILICON DIODEThe ISFET measures pH.It can reveal pathological conditions associated with abnormal pH levels These abnormalities include Pancreatic diseaseHypertensionInflammatory bowel diseaseThe activity of fermenting bacteriaThe level of acid excretion reflux of oesophagusEffect of GI specific drugs on targetorgans.ION-SELECTIVE FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR (ISFET)The pair of direct contact Gold electrodes measures conductivity, by metre the contents of water & salt absorption, bile secretion & the breakdown of organic components into charged colloids etc. in the GI tract. Since the gold has best conductivity among all the elements, Therefore it gives true value of conductivity as measured. DIRECT CONTACT GOLD ELECTRODEThe three electrode electrochemical cell detects the level of dissolved oxygen in solution. It measures the oxygen gradient from the proximal to the distal GI Tract It investigates Growth of aerobic or bacterial infectionFormation of radicals causing cellular disfigurement & pathophysiological conditions like inflammation & Gastric ulceration. It develops 1 st generation enzymes have-to doe withed with amperometric biosensors. 3 ELECTRODE ELECTROCHEMICAL CELLAR catMENT MICRO ELECTRONIC PILL CHIP 1 CHIP 2 CONTROL CHIPThe ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) is the control unit that connects together other components of the micro system. It contains an analogue signal conditioning module operating the sensors, 10-bit analogue to digital (ADC) & digital to analogue (DAC) converters, & digital data processing module The temperature circuitry bias the diode at constant current so that change in temperature reflects a correspondingchange in in diode voltage. The pH ISFET sensor is biased as a simple kickoff at constant current with the source voltage changing with threshold voltage & pH. The conductivity circuit operates at D.C. It mea sures the resistance across the electrode pair as an inverse function of solution conductivity. An incorporated potentiostat circuit operates the O 2 sensor with a 10 bit DAC controlling the working electrode potential w.r.t the write Analogue signals are sequenced through a multiplexer before being digitized by ADC. ASIC & sensors consume 5.3 mW power corresponding to 1.7 mA of current. CONTROL CHIPSize of transmitter = 8 5 3 mmModulation Scheme = Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)Data Transfer Rate = 1 kbpsFrequency = 40.01 MHz at 20 CBandwidth of the signal generated 10 KHzIt consumes 6.8 mW power at 2.2 mA of current.RADIO TRANSMITTOROBSERVATIONS ON RECIEVER COMPUTER2 SR44 Ag 2 O batteries are used.Operating Time 40 hours.Power Consumption = 12.1 mWCorresponding current consumption = 3.9mASupply Voltage = 3.1 V2 SILVER OXIDE BATTERIESRANGE Temperature from 0 to 70 CpH from 1 to 13Dissolved Oxygen up to 8.2 mg per literConductivity above 0.05 mScm -1Full casing dynamic Range anal ogue signal = 2.8 VACCURACY pH channel is around 0.2 unit above the real valueOxygen detector is 0.4 mgL.Temperature & Conductivity is within 1%.RANGE & ACCURACYIt is being beneficially used for disease detection & abnormalities in human body. There fore it is also called as MAGIC PILL FOR HEALTH CARE Adaptable for use in corrosive & quiescent environment It can be used in industries in evaluation of water quality, Pollution Detection, fermentation process control & inspection of pipelines. Micro Electronic Pill utilizes a PROGRAMMABLE STANDBY MODE , So Power consumption is very less. It has very small size, hence it is very easy for practical usage High sensitivity, Good reliability & Life times. very long life of the cells(40 hours), Less Power, Current & Voltage requirement (12.1 mW, 3.9 mA, 3.1 V) Less transmission length & hence has zero noise interference. ADVANTAGESread thisuse this link to download presentation * RE MICROELECTRONIC PILLS
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Social Marketing Combating Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay
Fleshiness is a status where there is extra accretion of cholesterin bed in the adipose tissue of tegument taking to clayey which becomes a health hazard ( Basdevant, Arnaud, 2008 ) . The addition in the fat accretion may do chronic health origins in long term which becomes a major wellness concern ( Basdevant, Arnaud, 2008 ) . The people with encumbrance more than 85 per centum of Body mass index atomic number 18 considered as corpulence and the people with the thorough structure mass index more than 95 per centum are considered as corpulent ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) .Adverse effects associated with fleshinessFleshiness may do multiple stemmas including material, physiological and psychological jobs ( Davis et al, 2007 ) . Fleshiness is one of the major drive for assorted chronic diseases like, diabetes, Hypertension, osteoorthritis and those related to bosom liver, g either bladder, birthrate and gestation ( WHO, 2011 ) , in add-on to sensual uncomfortablen ess it besides causes psychological hurt and decreased ego assurance in the social life due to hapless organic structure control and visual aspect ( Wardle, 2005 ) .Factors doing the jobThe present life manner is wholly filled with mental emphasis as people are busy with their habitual activities and sire no squeeze to pass for healthy activities like exercising and stocking a healthy diet ( Basdevant, 2008 ) . These factors may take to fast nutritious civilization and sedentary life manner which that are doing fleshiness ( Gonz & A aa sleep withe lez, 1999 ) . The accustomed activities like termination more clip on picture games and ceremonial telecasting may impact physical application and guide to sedentary life manner that increases the opportunities of going corpulent ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) .The nutrient behaviors are considered as some other of import factor for fleshiness. Devouring fast nutrients with steep fat content and taking surplus of mea sure nutrient as a wont lead to fleshiness ( Davis et al, 2007 ) . The instability between the Calories consumed and the sum of energy spent is an of import factor that causes accretion of fat in the organic structure doing fleshiness ( WHO, 2011 ) . The individualisedized behaviors like smoke and intoxicant ingestion are besides considered as the causes of fleshiness ( Evans et al, 2010 ) .Social changeDue to the addition in the load of the diseases all over the universe, demand to do wellness has increased, therefore public wellness field adapted some selling schemes to acquire societal acquires which is called as societal selling ( Grier and Bryant, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Andresen, ( 1995 ) societal selling is defined as the application of commercial selling engineerings to the analysis, planning, executing, and rating of plans designed to act upon the voluntary behavior of mark audiences in order to better their in-person public assistance and that of society . In publi c wellness publicity societal selling is used to tug the behavioural noveltys by multi degree attacks finished assorted intercessions in community and by make a positive environmental registration around the audience by presenting the mess duration to public ( Evans et al, 2010 ) .Principles of societal Marketing schemesThe selling schemes should be unquestionable in a insouciant manner that focuses on the normal state of affairss in the society these intercessions should be developed by taking in to consideration of the capablenesss of persons ( Donaldson, 2008 ) . Making proper consciousness, supplying with the proper cognition on the issue and making the environment that encourages the coveted behavioral alteration may give satisfactory results than concentrating on the peculiar or individual intercession ( Swinburn, Gill and Kumanyika, 2005 ) .Social selling scheme for battling fleshinessBadness of the jobFleshiness is considered as one of the major public wellness issues which is acquiring worse twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Harmonizing to NHS ( 2011 ) In United Kingdom the throw of prescriptions dispensed for the intervention of fleshiness in 2009 was 1.45 million which is more than eleven times the figure in 1999. The figure of fleshiness related instances recorded in the infirmaries related to fleshiness increased by 30 per centum compared to old old ages, in 2011 ( NHS, 2011 ) . The fleshiness has become a major public wellness and stinting job globally and is considered as a major issue in many states with the chief focal point on the puerility fleshiness in peculiarly ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) . It is of import to make consciousness among the people to get the better of the persisting job of fleshiness by the alteration of life style and reading of healthy behaviors which can be achieved through and through societal selling intercessions.High hazard personsThe kids who do non take part in out-of-door activities like o ut-of-door games, cycle etc, the kids who spend more clip before screen and kids with hapless dietetic wonts are soaring hazard persons who are prone fleshiness. The kids coming from households with hapless scotch put down are besides seeed more with fleshiness jobs because the prevalence of corpulence is extremely dependent on societal and economical position ( Basdevant, 2008 ) .How to follow outBy developing a community that is cognizant of the jobs associated with fleshiness by promoting kids and teens to affect more physical activity and to alter in the behavior ( Wadden, Brownell and Foster, 2002 ) . Schools move a critical function in forestalling the childhood fleshiness by developing assorted intercessions to promote healthy diet and physical activity ( Evans et al, 2010 ) . Making consciousness among all the household members might convey effectual alteration in behavior of kids because there is some grounds that parents with fleshiness job are more likely to hold cor pulent kids due to nutrient behaviors, life style and some familial factors ( Kafia Ayadi, Brian Young, 2006 ) .Educating parents by explicating the hazard factors associated with fleshiness and reding to promote kids to affect in activities like out-of-door games and physical work ( Davis, 2007 ) . Reding the parents to regularly supervise the weight of their kids in order to forestall fleshiness is of import. Evans et Al ( 2010 ) states that impulsive parents to educate their kids about the measures caloric values of nutrient and to make user friendly environment that encourages physical activity might convey satisfactory alteration in behavior. Koplan, Liverman and Kraak ( 2005 ) suggest that making a healthy market topographic point and healthy media play a of import function in fixation nutrient behaviors. For illustration, the local eating houses and the local shops might be targeted for proviso of selective low fat and rich alimentary diet to kids.Expected Behavioral alter ationThe voluntary behavioral alteration is an of import result judge from societal selling ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . Lifestyle alterations like increased physical activity by discontinuing the sedentary life manner and taking healthy diet like fruits and veggies alternatively of high Calorie nutrients is are major behavioral alterations expect in this program.Outcome expectedThe result expected is the alteration of current behaviors which are considered as hazard factors for the present job that is fleshiness, by larning the needed behaviors to command fleshiness, to accomplish grievous physical and mental wellness. Controling fleshiness through weight loss is the primary end and bar of the job of weight regain in the hereafter is the result expected from the mark audience ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) .Cleavage of audienceAnderson, ( 2005 ) suggests that it is about impossible to advert each and every person in the society because every attack does non suit for all p ersons. Grier and Bryant ( 2005 ) claim that the mark end is non suited for all because it depends on the assorted factors like personal behaviors, past experiences, single attitudes and demographic variables like age and ethnicity that arrive at impact on the people. So, sectioning the audience is really of import for an effectual societal selling. The cleavage is helpful in making the mark group and concentrating the people with high hazard to act upon behavioral alterations ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) .Target audienceThe kids of both genders between the age of five and 15 with hapless economical background are selected and targeted for behavioral alterations through societal selling because there is a relationship between economic position and fleshiness ( Youfa wang, 2001 ) .The adolescent age people are besides targeted to in effect alter their behaviors like fast nutrient civilization, smoke, imbibing, and inactive showing and to promote them to take part in out-of-door games which involve physical activity.Why to concentrate on a peculiar groupThe adolescents and kids are focused and targeted because childhood and adolescent age are two stages of a human life either to geting good wellness wonts or to develop hazard behaviors like alcohol addiction and smoke ( Pyle et al, 2006 ) . If healthy behaviors are initiated in the teens the fleshiness and the jobs associated with it might be controlled in the hereafter ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) .Target countryThe focal point shall be on a geographical country demoing high incidence of fleshiness job and hapless wellness behaviors with particular concentration on Population with hapless socio economic background and hapless wellness attention installations, underscoring the relationship between hapless economic position and wellness behaviors ( Youfa wang, 2001 ) .Consumer barriersWayss to understand consumer barriersThe best manner in turn toing the societal selling barriers of people of a peculiar country is, affecting the local wellness militants and administrations as spouses in wellness publicity ( siegel and doner, 2004 ) . Taking some enquiry through qualitative methods like questioning local people and their household members helps to hold an penetration of their behaviors ( Henley and raffin, 2010 ) . Effective communicating which plays a cardinal function in wellness publicity research shall be a good scheme to affect local leaders and individuals inclined to publicity of wellness in their country because communicating plays a cardinal function in wellness publicity research ( Hastings and Haywood, 1991 ) . For illustration parents and household members can efficaciously pass on with kids, have an penetration and can actuate them to alter the behavior ( Evans et al, 2010 ) .Target behavioral endsThe define of behavioral ends are planned by utilizing SMART program which includes Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound, to acquire the best result ( C lerck, 2010 ) . The major end is diminishing the extra weight by altering the current behavior by a set of behavioral alterations. The behavioral alterations include 1 ) Increased physical activity by bring oning self involvement 2 ) Monitoring the nutrient wonts and Calories 3 ) Regular showing of the organic structure mass index. The ends should be planned in an easy come-at-able mode so that the kid can achieve self efficaciousness on the alteration ( Davis et al, 2007 ) . Davis et Al ( 2007 ) besides suggests that parents should develop a uninterrupted communicating on the expected behavioral alterations and a clip end is arranged for all the set of activities.AimsTo better the physical activity of the kids by promoting out-of-door activities like games, cycling etc, through support from household, community and assorted school intercessions.To better the dietetic wonts like eating more fruits and veggies and discontinuing the nutrient with high fat content or calorific value li ke fast nutrients.Schemes to enforce the endsThe selling might be made harmonizing to the kids and teens psychological science. for illustration if the kids are passing their maximal clip in forepart of the screen, they shall be encouraged to see programmes related to wellness instruction, athleticss and fittingness which have a positive consequence on their behaviors ( Evanss et al, 2010 ) .Hanley and Raffin ( 2010 ) suggest that Schemes for kids below the age of 10 should be planned in a playful mode by doing utilizing more colorss, lifes and pictural presentation, so that they indulge in the activities. For adolescents scheme shall be competitory type. A multi degree programme is designed to derive the policy support, to acquire support from local societal groups and cognition interlingual renditions are critical to supervise the wellness direction systems ( WHO, 2010 ) .Schools play an of import function in actuating kids to alter their behaviors. The fleshiness intercessions used in schools should concentrate more on achieving healthy weight instead than diminishing present weight ( Pyle, 2006 ) . The authorities policy support is really of import to implement wellness schemes and achieve selling ends. Regulating advertizement of unhealthy nutrient and drinks may assist in bettering healthy nutrient wonts among kids ( Wadden, Brownell and Foster, 2002 ) . In add-on Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, ( 2005 ) advice that cut downing revenue enhancements on low Calories nutrient may convey alteration in nutrient choosing behavior because monetary values of nutrient have a great influence on the populace. Wadden, Brownell and Foster ( 2002 ) suggest that supplying more resources for supplying drama land bettering pavements etc may promote adolescent age people for physical activity. The selling programme should be implemented in multilevel which reference, authorities policies, community degree programmes, school degree, household degree and personal degree ( E vans et al, 2010 ) .Marketing MixThe Marketing mix is the considered as the best manner to implement the ends in the society and it is proved to be effectual in making the populace ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . Marketing mix includes four P s they are, Product, Price, Place and publicity ( Rayner, 2007 ) .Merchandise Merchandise is an advice or solution given to the consumer which gives personal benefit for himself ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . In the present societal selling program merchandise is the services provided to alter the current behavior. The merchandise is, accommodating patterns of physical activity by passing some clip to regular exercising and healthy nutrition degrees by avoiding fatty nutrients and adding fruits and veggies to regular dietetic bill of fare.Monetary value In selling monetary value is the cost spent by client whereas in societal selling monetary value of the present mark audience is the clip spent for behavioral alterations. Here monetary value agenc ies passing around an hr a twenty-four hours for exercising, physical attempt, and psychological uncomfortableness for altering behaviors ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) .topographic point The topographic point where the kids and teens spend more clip like schools, establishments and in communities they live are chosen in this selling program. forwarding Promotion of healthier picks is really of import. Healthy behaviors are promoted utilizing assorted intercessions including media runs, booklets demoing images and marks, events with function theoretical accounts and other schemes ( Hastings and Haywood, 1991 ) .Exchange speculation in societal sellingExchange theory is adopted from the commercial selling where the consumer gives money in exchange of the coveted merchandise ( Rothschild, 1999 ) . In societal selling the consumer is giving up the present behaviors voluntarily by passing his valuable clip, some costs for diet alterations and other behaviors. In return the consumer may ant icipate better and healthy life which is of tangible value for him ( Antonoidis et al, 2003 ) . In the present theoretical account the consumer is discontinuing sedentary behaviors and hazardous nutrient behaviors and in bend anticipating good wellness and positive alteration in his personal and societal life.DevelopmentThe jobs within the people include the cultural, societal, personal and environmental factors that show impact on their behaviors ( Koplan, Liverman and Kraak, 2005 ) .Koplan, Liverman and Kraak, ( 2005 ) suggests there should be a good grounds of the effectivity of the intercessions. Extensive research utilizing both qualitative and quantitative may assist in cognizing the wide scope of factors associated with the present hazard factor in accomplishing good consequences.The jobs within the administration include the deficiency of clip, deficiency of resources, working staff and deficiency of support from the direction or wellness attention workers. In add-on theAct ion program or ( rating )StrengthsFailingDecisionIn the current state of affairs where fleshiness is presenting a major hazard to the society, societal selling has to play an of import function in conveying about major alteration in single wonts. In add-on to this societal selling has to pave way to reforms by the authoritiess to command the unhealthy and hazardous behavior in the society. On the whole societal selling intercessions on childhood fleshiness may give positive consequences in constructing up healthy society. Social selling on childhood fleshiness should be taken up globally taking in to consideration of the geographical, environmental and local societal factors.
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